Bellator Christi Podcast, Biblical Issues, Christian Living, Christianity, Curtis Evelo, God, Old Testament, Prophecy, Theology (Podcast 5.31.21) 5 Signs of a False Shepherd by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | May 31, 2021 When Bellator Christi Ministries first began, it started as a podcast called “Redeeming Truth… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Bellator Christi Podcast, Christian apologetics, Church, Church History, Church Life, Ecclesiology, Theology (Podcast 5.19.21) Christian Denominationalism and What Unites the Church by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | May 19, 2021 Denominations, some argue, illustrate how Christians are unable to get along. But is this… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Attributes of God, Bellator Christi Podcast, Christian apologetics, Christianity, Free will, God, Molinism, Philosophy, Systematic Theology, Theology (Podcast 5.12.21) A Review of Molinism by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | May 12, 2021 Last week, Brian discussed the problems in Wayne Grudem’s assessment of Molinism. The podcast… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Attributes of God, Bellator Christi Podcast, Christianity, Free will, God, Molinism, Systematic Theology, Theology (Podcast 5.5.21) Rebuttal to Wayne Grudem’s Assessment of Molinism by / By: Brian G. Chilton | May 5, 2021 On tonight’s episode, Curtis Evelo has the night off. Therefore, Brian flies solo as he discusses and… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Bellator Christi Podcast, Christian apologetics, Creation/Nature, Curtis Evelo, Science, Theology (Podcast 4.21.21) Eight Views on God and Creation by / By: Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo | April 21, 2021 Viewpoints surrounding God and creation are among the most contentious and divisive of all theological… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Afterlife, Bellator Christi, Bellator Christi Podcast, Bible, Christian apologetics, Christianity, Hell, Systematic Theology, Theology (Podcast 4.14.21) The Final Countdown: Contemporary Viewpoints on the Doctrine of Hell by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | April 14, 2021 On this episode of the Bellator Christi Podcast, hosts Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Bellator Christi Podcast, Christian apologetics, Curtis Evelo, Jesus, Resurrection, Theology (4.7.21) The 40 Days by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | April 7, 2021 Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo discuss the 40 days of Jesus’s appearances between his… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...