Four Levels of Demonic Influence

Demonic Influence

By: Brian G. Chilton, Ph.D. | May 5, 2023

Everyone realizes that humanity is caught in a spiritual battle. If not, then a person should. Paul exhorts believers that they should “Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil” (Eph. 6:10–11).[1] The apostle fully realized that the fight was not a physical one, but rather, it was a spiritual one. The enemy forces of darkness are constantly attempting to undermine and attack God’s plans and his people. Yet the enemy is limited by what he can do to God’s people. A lot of what he can do depends on a person’s reliance on God and God’s permissive will. Scripture indicates that a person can experience four levels of demonic influence.

First Level of Demonic Influence: Social Influence

The first level of demonic influence may seem counterintuitive because it does not necessarily originate from demonic forces. However, the enemy can manipulate a person’s thinking through social influences, emotional insecurities, and from a person’s own innate sinful desires. While the enemy is not directly involved, that does not mean that social or innate influences are any less threatening.

Scripture often speaks of the untrustworthy nature of the human heart. Jeremiah asserted that “the heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9). Jesus also noted that all kinds of evil originate from the human heart (Mk. 7:21–23). James spoke of the deadly nature of the human heart and how it ultimately leads to death (Jms. 1:14–15).

Even though social and cultural influences along with the issues of the human heart can lead one away from the leadership and purposes of God, the good news is that the Holy Spirit (God’s presence with us) comes alongside those who are redeemed, to offer help, encouragement, conviction, and education for those receptive to his call (Jn. 14:25–26). Without the Holy Spirit’s assistance and resistance to societal and emotional pressures, a person becomes like a ship with no rudder or a leaf blowing in the wind. In other words, a person finds oneself without any foundation. The enemy has a way of using such influences to cause a person to enter a proverbial house of mirrors in which the world and reality are viewed much differently than they actually exist.

Second Level of Demonic Influence: Demonic Temptation

The second category of demonic influence includes temptation. This occurs when the enemy tries to lead a person down a path that opposes the will and direction of God. Temptations not only include immoral behaviors, but they also could include dissuading a person from following God’s leadership, direction, and will. For instance, Satan attempted to thwart God’s plan in the life of Jesus (Matt. 4:1–11). He did so by offering Jesus an easier road without sacrifice, popularity and fame with little work, and selfishness over a life of service.

Satan also tempted Ananias to lie in Acts 5:3, and he led David to take a census of which God did not approve (1 Chron. 21:1). Most assuredly, Satan and his minions tempted Judas to betray Jesus. Other instances of demonic temptation include that of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:6–7), Esau (Gen. 25:29–34), Achan (Josh. 7:21), Samson (Judg. 14:16–17), Solomon (1 Kgs. 11:1, 4), and Peter (Matt. 26:69–75). In other words, everyone will face temptation sooner or later. The question is what a person does when temptation comes their way. As avowed in the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, “Yielding to sinful temptations arising from one’s own nature may make one increasingly susceptible to demonic temptation.”[2] Anyone who succumbs to temptation may find it increasingly difficult to resist (see Jn. 8:34).

Third Level of Demonic Influence: Demonic Oppression

When one continuously gives way to temptation in one’s life, the door to the third level of demonic influence may be opened—the door of demonic oppression. Oppression occurs when a demonic entity exerts “considerable influence over a person’s life short of actual possession.”[3] Unger discovered four effects of demonic oppression in Scripture. First, oppression often leads to the hardness of the heart toward the gospel (2 Cor. 4:4). Second, oppression could lead one toward apostasy and doctrinal corruption (1 Tim. 4:1). Third, it can also lead one to accept and adopt sinful behaviors into one’s life (2 Pet. 2:1–12). Finally, demonic oppression can lead to forms of physical illness (Lk. 13:10–16). As a caveat, not all physical illnesses are the result of demonic oppression.

Four Areas

How does oppression enter a person’s life? It has been suggested that four areas could open the door to oppression: 1) the involvement in the occult, 2) allowing one’s heart to grow bitter and full of hate, 3) indulgences, and 4) ministry activities that dilute the authority of God.[4]

Sometimes, oppression could stem from continued opposition where the enemy blocks ministry opportunities. In this case, a person of God did not do anything to invite oppression, but it could come from another person or region that is oppressed. In this case, a supernatural intervention from God is necessary to break the strongholds in that area. One such biblical case is found in the life of the apostle Paul. The apostle spoke of certain instances where he was not permitted to visit the Thessalonians due to the prevention of Satan (1 Thess. 2:18). We are not told exactly what happened but only that the enemy prevented Paul from doing what he wished. Here again, we must exercise caution because some opportunities are not allowed. After all, it does not cohere with the will and purpose of the Lord (Rom. 15:22; Acts 16:6–7).

Fourth Level of Demonic Influence: Demonic Possession

Finally, the last and most severe case of demonic influence involves demonic possession. Since the believer is filled with the Holy Spirit of God, demonic spirits cannot possess the child of God. A believer can be oppressed but not possessed. Thus, a believer finds added protection in their salvation through the insulated defense of God’s presence. As the psalmist notes, “The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1). Those who do not have this protective insulation from God become sitting ducks for the possessive gunshots of the enemy.

Three Signs of Demonic Possession

It must be noted that demonic possession must not be confused with mental illnesses. A thorough mental assessment is needed before demonic possession is accepted. However, demonic possessions still occur in modern times. Yale-trained psychiatrist Dr. Richard Gallagher reports on his numerous interactions with real-life demonic possessions in his book Demonic Foes. Gallagher reports that after ruling out mental illness, three primary signs accompany genuine demonic possessions— “the ability to speak an unknown language, the awareness of hidden knowledge, and various abnormal physical signs, especially immense strength, but also humanly impossible bodily “movements,” extreme contortions, and even the rare levitation.”[5]

The Bible refers to individuals who were possessed. The Greek term daimonizomai indicates one who is under the control of a demonic entity. One such instance is with Mary Magdalene, a woman whom Jesus had delivered from the possession of seven demons (Mk. 16:9; Lk. 8:2). Luke states that Jesus had delivered a man in the synagogue who was demon-possessed (Lk. 4:33). Jesus also confronted a man who had been demon-possessed for many years. His case was so bad that he lived in tombs (Lk. 8:27–39). In all cases, when Jesus confronted the demons, the demons had no choice but to flee.


As we conclude this study, we must note common trends that are found in all forms of demonic involvement. In more severe cases of demonic influence, a person almost always opens the door to the intruders. As Gallagher asserts, demons are “cosmic terrorists.”[6] They want to terrorize humanity because of the divine imprint and value that God has placed on human beings. But how does one open the door to these demonic terrorists? As previously noted, practices of the occult, harboring bitterness and hate, continued immoral behavior, the hardness of one’s heart, and false forms of worship are the common threads that often lead to more intense demonic involvement. These practices open the door to demonic spirits.

Some people may claim, “This sounds like a lot of spiritual mumbo jumbo.” But consider the continued depravity of our time. Nearly every week we hear another case of a shooting. Newspapers are full of headlines involving atrocious acts of violence and immorality. The more a culture or society turns away from God, the more that culture or society can expect increasing demonic influence upon the psyche of the culture.

Solution to the Problem

However, we are not without hope. The solution to this problem is startlingly simple. The demonic realm cannot stand near the presence of God. As soon as Jesus approached them, the demons had to flee. In the book of James, we are given a simple three-step solution to demonic influence. First, a person submits to God (Jms. 4:7). That is, a person submits to the authority, power, and authority of God Most High.

Second, a person resists the devil (Jms. 4:7). A person commits oneself to Christ and then stands against the powers of the demonic realm.

If these two steps are performed, then the third naturally flows in that the devil has no choice but to flee (Jms. 4:7). The devil and his minions are formidable foes and are not to be taken lightly. However, they are no match for the awesome power and glory of our God Most High.

About the Author

Brian G. Chilton earned his Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction). He is the host of The Bellator Christi Podcast and the founder of Bellator Christi. Brian received his Master of Divinity in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and plans to purse philosophical studies in the near future. He is also enrolled in Clinical Pastoral Education to better learn how to empower those around him. Brian is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. Brian has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years and currently serves as a clinical hospice chaplain as well as a pastor.

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[1] Unless otherwise noted, all quoted Scripture comes from the Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman, 2020).

[2] David G. Benner and Peter C. Hill, eds., Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1999), 327.

[3] M. F Unger, Demons in the World Today (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1971), 113.

[4] T. B. White, The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare (Ann Arbor, MI: Vine, 1990), 150.

[5] Richard Gallagher, Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal (New York, NY: HarperOne, 2022), 81.

[6] Gallagher, Demonic Foes, 243.


Copyright, 2023. Bellator Christi.


Brian G. Chilton is the founder of Bellator Christi Ministries and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. Dr. Chilton earned a Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction), a M.Div. in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his B.S. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed Unit 1 of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Forest University's School of Medicine. Dr. Chilton is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, working out in his home gym, and watching football. He has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years and serves as a clinical chaplain.

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30 days ago

This is a good article. Thank you for writing this.

I am a bit confounded because I consider myself to be a Christian, or at least, I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, bodily died and rose again, and His blood is shed in atonement for the sins of the world, mine included. He is my Lord and He died for me.

I did become possessed as of early this year, exhibiting 2 of 3 signs mentioned above: speaking in unknown/foreign tongues and bodily contortions/extra strength. I got better, thankfully. So, though being a Christian, I did dabble somewhat into the occult and got into sexual sin (much like how Christians can get into any form of sin, to be honest)–the latter sin sealed the deal for my possession. (I’ve repented of both sins, by the way.)

So I am an example of a professing Christian who is demonized. How is that possible? I’m still trying to figure that one out myself.

Also, I believe that possession itself has varying degrees, as how I experienced it. It didn’t start with them being able to control my body, but it grew in severity and in increasing deception as time progressed. (It was really bad in January.) It is only by God’s grace that I’m getting better, because of the collective prayers of other believers for me. (I think the demon(s) are still present, but they have far, far less control over me.)

If anyone struggles with being demonized/possessed: I do want to encourage you to fight as much as possible against what the demon(s) wish to do through your body. The more permissive/passive you are, and the more you go with the flow of what they present as your own desires, the more control they will have on you, and it does get harder to come out of that.

Fighting means to pray and resist the urges that you get from them and/or the flesh. Don’t fall for the lie that you are helpless. Indeed you are (demons are powerful entities), but as you pray, God will provide for you help and the needed strength. Ask the Lord for help, and then fight them as if your life depends on it. Also, make sure to find the time to read (or at least listen) to the Bible. Fill your mind with God’s Word to counteract the Enemy’s lies.

Remember that the enemy only desire to steal/kill/destroy. They don’t care about you at all other than to see you perish, so don’t give into their desires. Even if you stumble/fall or when your strength fails, God sees the effort and will continue to help you through it all. Just remain faithful and obey the Lord as much as it is in your hands. He desires freedom for you. I am sure that He will grant you freedom if you truly desire it. Even if your desire for freedom is small (because demons can even cloud your desire to be free), fight for that too. Fight for every room, every space you can get. Win it for God and for yourself. Don’t give up. Keep going!

God bless and protect us all.

Casaundra D Raines
Casaundra D Raines
2 months ago

I need help, my son and I have been under demonic influence since he was born. I believe I lived in an apartment where an occult practiced and tried to summon a demon, from my research I believe it was Lillith. I believe we have demonic attachments, we can both see the spirits, they talk to him and I can see their shadows, I can see them trying to pull my son off the bed while he’s sleeping, I have a video of a woman with sharp teeth baring it’s teeth at my son while he’s sleeping and I’m sitting exactly where the woman did this at, my son is terrified to be alone, him and I both have had illness after illness and I am now hospitalized due to having syphilis for at least 6 months and it spreading throughout my whole body and possibly to my brain. I live in a small town where the churches don’t believe in ministry deliverance but that I must deliver us myself. I have tried and I have failed. We need help, please.

30 days ago

Prayed for you. I hope you and your son can find some good help! Is there another church community you can find? And when you move locations, does the demon also follow you around?

Casaundra D Raines
Casaundra D Raines
27 days ago
Reply to  Loln

Hello, yes, they follow, and it seems to get worse each time we relocate. I’m now stuck in this depressed stage where I feel nothing but sadness and doom. I seen a fallen star the other night and I got this real bad feeling. I’ve heard that is a demon? I’m not really sure because I’m afraid to dig into it.

Casaundra D Raines
Casaundra D Raines
27 days ago

Also, I’ve given up hope in finding help, i don’t know where else to turn.

27 days ago

Hi Casaundra, please do not give up hope. The demon(s) of course want you to be bound by fear, and yes, they are powerful, but God is far more powerful than they.
I would suggest to go on YouTube and look up “David Diga Hernandez” who talks on spiritual warfare and such. He gives sound biblical teaching. His followers are also actively praying for people who post prayer requests on his YT videos. I can pray for you, but I am just one person. You need to be bathed in prayer, by a good community. I suggest you go on one of his most recent videos and post your issue there and ask for prayers. Also, you can always try emailing him ( but I haven’t had much luck reaching out to him myself. However, having the YT community praying for you might at least get you some hope and support.
Please stay strong. You’re not alone! Cling to Jesus for help and I have absolutely no doubt that He will rescue you!

27 days ago

Also, don’t give credence to the falling star thing. They want you to live in a state of paranoia and fear. They’re lying to you. They lie all the time.

What I did with my own battle with my own demons is I bathed myself with the Bible. So I say to you too: read the Bible. Play it out loud (audio bible); play worship music out loud–it’s not for them to hear, but for YOU to hear the truths of God’s Word, to counteract their lies. Declare God’s truths, but you also need the people of God to rally around you too in prayer (hence, my earlier reply).

You can start with the Psalms, and go to the New Testament. You need to find out who you are in Christ. There is power in knowing your identity in Jesus.

If you haven’t trusted in Jesus as your Saviour, however, that really needs to happen. No one else can save you from them except Him.

You can watch some of David Hernandez’s videos–the titles which stand out to you–to get you back in the truths of God’s Word.

But yes, I understand the feeling of helplessness. Just know that you’re not alone. I am here for you too. Will be praying for you and your son! Be strong in the Lord! Look to Him, because He is your salvation!

Casaundra D Raines
Casaundra D Raines
27 days ago
Reply to  Banjo

Ok, thank you. Thank you very much. I really appreciate you all, I can’t stress how much I really do.

27 days ago

I understand the feeling. hugs
Please remember that you are part of the body of Christ. You’re not alone.

Also, you can post your prayer request here:

and here too:
(The second link is my church. I’m sure someone will pray for you.)

27 days ago

Something came to mind also:
Remember the story when Peter was walking on the water? He was able to do an amazing and impossible thing. Why? Because his eyes were on Jesus.
What happened when he started looking at the winds and the waves? He started to sink.

In the same way (and they did this with me too), the demon(s) try to take your gaze away from Christ and onto the bad things they do, onto their harassment, onto their evil deeds. But in reality, they’re doing that to distract your gaze from Christ, but don’t fall for it. Instead, fix your eyes on Christ and cling to Him for dear life. Cry out to Him for help and mercy, and He will send you help. Despite how things look and feel, the truth is this: He IS sovereign over you, your son, and yes, even that demon that’s following you. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Great and impossible things happen when you fix your eyes of faith onto Christ. He will see you through it. Continue to have faith!

It’s not the strength of your faith that is important (so don’t worry about that), but the object of your faith. Is Christ not the creator of the world? Is He not far greater than that demon? Doesn’t He know your future too?

He says in His Word that those who call on Him will in no way be put to shame. He won’t ignore you. In time, you will see deliverance because He’s trustworthy and faithful to His promises. Don’t ever give up. Cling to His promises. Keep praying, keep believing, keep listening to His truths in the Bible. You got this, Casaundra!


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