Bellator Christi, Bible, Book Review, Christianity, Resources Review of the CSB Verse by Verse Reference Bible by / By: Brian G. Chilton | March 21, 2021 Reference Bibles are an important tool to have in one’s theological library. They are helpful to link… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Bellator Christi, Bellator Christi Podcast, Bible, Biblical Issues, Biblical Studies, Christianity, Curtis Evelo, Historical Jesus, Jesus, New Testament Studies, Sermon on the Mount, Theology (Podcast 3.17.21) Sermon on the Mount: Part 7–The Truth About Judging (Matt. 7.1-6) by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | March 17, 2021 The Sermon on the Mount has challenged people for thousands of years, from every… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Bellator Christi, Christian apologetics, Christianity, Historical Jesus, History, Jesus, Resurrection Resurrection Defense Series (Part Three): Early Eyewitness Testimony and the Failure of Hallucinations to Account for Them by / By: Brian G. Chilton | March 15, 2021 Regardless of whether an event is recent or of antiquity, the researched event holds greater historical probability… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Anxiety/Mental Health, Apologetics, Bellator Christi Podcast, Creation, Creation/Nature, Curtis Evelo, Divine Sovereignty, God, Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Theology (Podcast 3.10.21) Sermon on the Mount: Part 6–The Uselessness of Worry (Matt. 6.25-34) by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | March 10, 2021 The Sermon on the Mount has challenged people for thousands of years, from every… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Jesus, Resurrection Resurrection Defense Series (Part Two): Embarrassing Details by / By: Brian G. Chilton | March 8, 2021 Last week, we began an investigation into the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. When… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Bellator Christi, Bellator Christi Podcast, Biblical Studies, Christianity, Curtis Evelo, Ethics, Jesus, New Testament Studies, Sermon on the Mount, Theology (Podcast 3.3.21) The Sermon on the Mount: Part Five–Serving God Over the World (Matt. 6:19-24) by / By: Brian G. Chilton and Curtis Evelo | March 3, 2021 The Sermon on the Mount has challenged people for thousands of years, from every… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Christian apologetics, Christianity, Historical Jesus, Jesus, Resurrection Resurrection Defense Series (Part One): The Testimony of Women by / By: Brian G. Chilton | March 1, 2021 Editor’s Note: Easter Sunday is a scant month away. Bellator Christi has been engaged with different theological… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...