Apologetics, Justin Angelos, Resurrection Objections to the Resurrection by / By: Justin Angelos | November 7, 2022 Skeptics of the resurrection will often say something like, “what is so unique about the resurrection of Jesus?… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Bellator Christi Podcast, Brian Chilton, Holy Spirit, Pneumatology, Systematic Theology, Theological (S6E6) The Symbols of the Holy Spirit (Part One) by / By: Dr. Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo | November 3, 2022 The podcast’s series on pneumatology is in full swing. This episode was so big… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Apologetics, Bellator Christi, Christianity, Theology, Tony Williams Breath and Blood of Life by / By: Anthony Williams | October 30, 2022 As a police officer, I was taught to manage my breathing in high-stress circumstances. It is simply a… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
bible interpretation, Hermeneutics, Political, Scott Reynolds, Worldviews Have American Values Affected our Interpretation of Scripture? (Part One) by / By: Scott Reynolds, PhD, DMin | October 23, 2022 Tertullian: What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Bellator Christi Podcast, Brian Chilton, Curtis Evelo, Holy Spirit, Pneumatology, Theology (S6E5) The Gifts of the Holy Spirit by / By: Dr. Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo | October 20, 2022 The podcast’s series on pneumatology is in full swing. This episode discusses the gifts… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Brian Chilton, Christian Living, Education/PhD, God Reflections on My PhD Journey (Part One): The Calling by / By: Brian Chilton, PhD | October 16, 2022 Brian Chilton offers a series of three reflections on his PhD journey. The first entry looks at… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...
Brian Chilton, Curtis Evelo, Holy Spirit, Pneumatology (S6 E4) The Work of the Holy Spirit by / By: Dr. Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo | October 13, 2022 The podcast’s series on pneumatology is in full swing. This episode discusses the work… Share this:EmailWhatsAppShare on TumblrPrintTelegramMorePocketRedditLike this:Like Loading...