Meet the Bellator Christi Team

Meet The Team

Ministry Leadership Team

Brian G. Chilton, M.Div., Ph.D.: Founder of Bellator Christi Ministries, President, Publisher, Contributor, and Co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast

Brian G. Chilton is the founder of Bellator Christi Ministries and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. Dr. Chilton earned a Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction), a M.Div. in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his B.S. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed Unit 1 of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Forest University’s School of Medicine. Dr. Chilton is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading, working out in his home gym, and watching football. Brian has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years, works as a clinical hospice chaplain, is an Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Carolina College of Biblical Studies (, and serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Acquisitions for Illative House Press (

T. J. Gentry, D.Min., Ph.D.: Senior Executive Vice President, Assistant Editor, Publisher, and Contributor

Dr. Thomas J. Gentry II (aka T. J. Gentry) serves as the Senior Pastor of First Christian Church of West Frankfort, Illinois, the Assistant Vice President of Publishing and Communications, and the Assistant Editor of Bellator Christi Ministries. He formerly served as the Executive Editor of Dr. Gentry earned his Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics (Liberty University); Ph.D. in Theology with Missiology (North-West University, South Africa); and Ph.D. in Biblical Studies, Ph.D. in Leadership, and D.Min. in Pastoral Counseling (Carolina University). Additionally, he is the President of Illative House Press (, having previously published Pulpit Apologist: The Vital Link between Preaching and Apologetics (Wipf and Stock, 2020) and Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord: Biblical, Theological, and Rational Arguments against Purgatory (Wipf and Stock, 2019).

Dr. Gentry proudly served his country, both enlisted and officer, in the United States Army Chaplain Corps, and he has taught martial arts as a Christian ministry platform since the late 1990s. He is an adjunct professor at Carolina University ( He and his wife are blessed with five children and two grandchildren. His daily Bible teaching and devotions can be heard at

Deanna Huff, Th.M., Ph.D.: Executive Vice President of Outreach, Assistant Editor, Publisher, and Contributor

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Deanna Huff is a wife and mother. She is passionate about teaching others to share and defend their faith, drawing on 25 years of experience in the field. Her publications include The Prophets’ Use of the Shepherd Motif and Its Contribution to Their Presentation of the Character of God, and she has contributed chapters to Why Creationism Still Matters and Strong Faith.

She works at Museum of the Bible. She is also a speaker who has led seminars for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Ladies Retreat, and the State Evangelism Conference. In addition, she taught high school students for ten years at Christian Heritage Academy, covering subjects such as Bible, Universal History, Apologetics and Philosophy.

Deanna earned a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University. She holds a Master of Theology in Apologetics and Worldview from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oklahoma.

Deanna is an active member of Capitol Hill Baptist Church where she co-hosted a podcast called The Analysis with Pastor Mark DeMoss. She also co-hosted a podcast with her daughter Ellie Huff called but why should i care. She and her husband teach an adult Sunday school class, discipling others in the faith.

Tony Williams: Associate Vice President of Publications, Editor, and Contributor

Tony Williams is currently serving in his 20th year as a police officer in a city in Southern Illinois. He has been studying apologetics in his spare time for two decades, since a crisis of faith led him to the discovery of vast and ever-increasing evidence for his faith. Tony received a bachelor’s degree in University Studies from Southern Illinois University in 2019. His career in law enforcement has provided valuable insight into the concepts of truth, evidence, confession, testimony, cultural competency, morality, and most of all, the compelling need for Christ in the lives of the lost. Tony plans to pursue postgraduate studies in apologetics in the near future to sharpen his understanding of the various facets of Christian apologetics.

Amy Downey, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Editor, and Contributor

Amy Downey2Dr. Amy Downey serves at the President and Director of Tzedakah Ministries, a ministry devoted to sharing the Gospel of Yeshua with Jewish people ( Originally from Lubbock, Texas, Amy surrendered her life to full-time Christian service at the age of 16, but still struggled with her call to missions.  Afraid of the price she might have to pay, Amy decided to serve God but in her own way.  However, and finally, at the age of twenty-eight, Amy followed the mission call to reach the Jewish people with the truth that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Jewish Messiah.

This mission call has taken her across the country to speak in churches and meetings across more than thirty states and four continents (8 countries) about the need for the Christian church to take on the responsibility of Jewish evangelism mandated in Romans 1:16 and 11:11-24.  Amy has shared the truth of Jesus to Jewish people on street corners, airplanes, parks, restaurants, and even in churches.  In addition, she spent three of the most spiritually challenging and rewarding years of her life in the heart of American Jewish life – New York City.

Amy has a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from East Texas Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Communication and Master of Arts in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and was the first woman to complete a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics from Liberty University (May 2016).  She is also the author of Paul’s Conundrum (2011) and Maimonides’s Yahweh (2019) along with numerous magazine articles and booklets that are available at Amy serves as a contributor and Associate Vice President for Bellator Christi Ministries.

Michelle Johnson, M.Div., Ph.D.: Executive Vice President Emerita

Michelle Johnson earned a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University. She also earned her M.A. in Theological Studies and her M.Div. in Professional Ministries at Liberty University. Michelle graduated from the University of Minnesota with her undergraduate degrees. She and her husband Steve live in Mankato, Minnesota. Michelle and Steve attend Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie where Michelle serves on the Global Partner Care Team. In addition to her love of theology and apologetics, Michelle also has a passion for historical studies, particularly the theology of the Patristics. When she is not spending time reading or writing, Michelle can often be found dreaming of her next travel adventure or enjoying a great cup of coffee. Michelle Johnson serves as the Executive Vice-President and Managing Editor of Bellator Christi Ministries.

Michelle passed into her eternal home on Sunday, November 17, 2024. Her work with Bellator Christi will never be forgotten. Michelle was an editor and contributor to the work Why Creationism Still Matters and was a contributor to the book Strong Faith. One of her most popular articles is “Why Did Paul Persecute the Christians?” It has remained in the Top 5 every year since it was first written.

As a way of honoring her, the leadership team unanimously agreed to appoint Michelle with the title Executive Vice President Emerita. For as long as Bellator Christi remains in existence, Dr. Michelle Johnson will be listed and honored for her work.

Academic Advisor

Leo Percer, Ph.D.: Academic Advisor to Bellator Christi Ministries, Publication Editor, and Contributor

Leo Percer grew up in Millington, Tennessee, northeast of Memphis, when he first received his call to teaching ministry. He has been involved in numerous ministerial activities, including serving as an elder at Forest Community Church in Forest, Virginia. Dr. Leo Percer graduated with a Ph.D. from Baylor University, an M.A. from Western Kentucky University, and M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a B.A. from Union University.

After graduating with his Ph.D., Dr. Percer has taught at Baylor University, McLennan Community College, and Liberty University, where he served as the Director of the Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics program for years. His area of expertise is in Second Temple Judaism, the Epistles of Paul, and apocalyptic literature. Dr. Percer is an active member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society of Biblical Literature, and is on the board of directors at Ratio Christi. Dr. Percer resides in Lynchburg, VA with his wonderful wife, Lisa, and two children. He loves reading, collecting comic books, and is a coffee connoisseur.


Justin Angelos, M.A. : Contributor

Seattle native Justin Angelos brings a passion for evangelism and discipleship along with theology and apologetics. He has studied at Biola University and Liberty University and recently earned a Master of Arts in Apologetics from Biola University. Justin focuses on providing help for those who suffer from emotional and anxiety issues. He currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Jerry Bogacz, Ph.D. Cand.: Contributor

Jerry Bogacz was born and raised in the Chicago area. Jerry and his wife Kathy relocated to Lexington, Virginia in 2015 where they reside to this day. As a scientist, Jerry worked as a research scientist and project manager in immunodiagnostic and DNA diagnostic product development for Abbott Laboratories in northern Chicago. Jerry is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics program at Liberty University. He graduated from Biola University with two degrees–an MA in in Apologetics and an MA in Science/Religion. He was a resident in 2013 at the C. S. Lewis Fellowship at the Discovery Institute. Also, Jerry received training at the Cross Examined Apologetics training in 2014. Ministerially, he served as a pastoral and teaching elder at Evanston Bible Fellowship in Evanston, IL (2001-2015). Jerry’s primary areas of research are focused around the integration of science and theology, biblical anthropology, bioethics, and worldview studies.

Steven Johnson, DDS: Contributor

Dr. Steven And Dr. Michelle JohnsonSteven served 36 years as a dentist in his hometown of Buffalo Center, Iowa before retiring from his practice. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa Dental School in 1987. He currently resides in Mankato, Minnesota. Dr. Johnson is a devout disciple of Christ. He faithfully attends Wooddale Church of Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Steven was the husband of our late beloved Dr. Michelle Johnson

Dr. Johnson’s desire is to continue to honor Michelle with the passion she held so dear–writing articles that glorify God. He hopes to offer believers further reasons to trust in the risen Savior and desires to share the gospel with the lost, prompting them to accept Christ as their Savior.

Sherene Khouri, Ph.D.: Contributor

Sherene Khouri was born into a religiously diverse family in Damascus, Syria. She became a believer when she was 11 years old. Sherene and her husband were missionaries in Saudi Arabia. Their house was open for meetings, and they were involved with the locals until the government knew about their ministry and gave them three days’ notice to leave the country. In 2006, they went back to Syria and started serving the Lord with RZIM International ministry. They traveled around the Middle Eastern region—Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and United Arab Emirates.

Sherene was also involved in her local church among the young youth, young adults, and women’s ministry. In 2013, the civil war broke out in Syria. Sherene and her husband’s car was vandalized 3 times and they had to immigrate to the United States of America. In 2019, Sherene became an American citizen.

Sherene is an Assistant Professor at Liberty University. She teaches Arabic, Religion, and Research classes. Additionally, she holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics, M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Liberty University, and B.S. in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute. Currently, Sherene is also working on a Master of Theology in Global Studies at Liberty University and M.A. in Arabic and linguistics from PennWest University.

Tom Knoff, Ph.D. Candidate: Contributor

Tom Knoff serves as a Teaching Pastor at Inspiration Church in Mesquite, Texas. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Theology and Apologetics program at Liberty University. Tom and his wife Kim live in Texas and have four grown children.

Thomas McCuddy, M.A., D.Min.: Contributor

Thomas MccuddyDr. Thomas McCuddy brings a wealth of ministerial experience to the team. Throughout Eastern North Carolina, Thomas has served in various pastoral roles. He heads the Apologetic Department at Carolina College of Biblical Studies. Additionally, he serves as the President of Families of Virtue Ministries and assists with various ministries in South Africa. Formerly, he worked with the late Dr. Norman Geisler at NGIM (Norm Geisler International Ministries).

McCuddy earned his Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics degree from Southern Evangelical Seminary along with other degrees from the school. Originally hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, Thomas is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, where he earned a degree in mathematics. Currently, he resides with his wife and children in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Thomas Quackenbush: Contributor

Thomas QuackenbushThomas and his wife, Christine, are originally from New Jersey and New York but moved down to the outskirts of Fayetteville, North Carolina in 2016 so that Thomas could attend Bible college and so that his wife could pursue her new teaching career. From 2016–2020, Thomas attended Carolina College of Biblical Studies ( in Fayetteville, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Apologetics.

Thomas is a proud Veteran of the United States Air Force and currently serves as an elder at his church. Quackenbush worked with Norman Geisler International Ministries and met Dr. Thomas McCuddy. Both Quackenbush and Dr. McCuddy began a ministry known as Families of Virtue, which sprang out of both men’s desire to serve and edify everyone in church, from the layperson in the pew to the man behind the pulpit. Quackenbush serves as the Vice President and Director of Education at Families of Virtue (

As the Director of Education, Thomas writes and builds courses for Familes of Virtue in their Classical Virtue Academy, ranging from 4-week Bible studies to apologetics materials for grade school students in South Africa.

Thomas’s ambition is to become more like Christ and to love his neighbor as himself. He is excited to serve the Lord in any capacity that He sees fit.

Daniel Sloan, Ph.D.: Contributor

Daniel Sloan is an Assistant Professor at Liberty University. He was mentored by the late Dr. Ed Hindson. After Dr. Hindson’s untimely passing, Dr. Sloan was allowed to teach some of Dr. Hindson’s classes. In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Sloan serves as an Associate Pastor at Safe Harbor Community Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Daniel graduated with his PhD in Theology and Apologetics from Liberty University. His research and expertise is in Old Testament studies. He and his wife, Natalie, live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Along with his extensive knowledge of the Bible, Daniel is an avid sports fan.

Tim Woods: Contributor

Tim WoodsTim Woods lives in West Frankfort, Illinois, where he serves as Director of Student Ministries at First Christian Church and Jr. High/High School Teacher and Chaplain for New Covenant Christian School. Tim earned his B.Min. in Discipleship and M.Min. in Biblical Studies from Veritas Theological Seminary and is currently working toward a D.Min. He is the author of the forthcoming (2025) book, Battle for Souls (Illative House Press).

Copyright, 2024.

*Updated on November 22, 2024.