By: Brian Chilton | January 17, 2017 Before the website transferred from to, I had written an article on the major worldviews across…
Today, we will continue our conversation with archaeologist Ted Wright. Mr. Wright received his Bachelor of Science degree in Archaeology the Cobb Institute of Archaeology…
Much of the Bible is narrative which presents a historical record of events. Archaeology scientifically observes data that can clarify, affirm, or illuminate events of…
An atheist Christian minister. That sounds like an oxymoron of illogical cohesion. Could an atheist serve as a Christian minister? According to the United Church…
Ganssle, Gregory E., ed. God & Time: Four Views. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2001. $24.00. 247 pages. Contributors: Paul Helm, Alan G. Padgett, William Lane Craig, and…
Some time ago, I was in a meeting with pastors and other church leaders from various backgrounds discussing a potential ministry opportunity. I noted the…