
Eternity and a New Year

By: Curtis Evelo | January 21, 2024 The start of the new year had me reflecting on a lot of things. I’m sure many people…

Loki sad

Loki and the Locus of Identity

Warning: This article contains spoilers of the Disney+ series “Loki.” This article can also be found at MoralApologetics.com by clicking the following link: https://www.moralapologetics.com/wordpress/loki2 By:…

Melissa pellew

(Podcast 6.3.20) An Apologetic Response to the Death of George Floyd and a Most Unpredictable Year (w. Melissa Pellew)

Brian Chilton is joined by Melissa Pellew, Co-Chapter Apologist of Ratio Christi of Winthrop University and co-host of Theology Matters with the Pellews. Curtis Evelo…