Books & Resources

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Several members of the Bellator Christi team have published books, articles, and dissertations. This page lists important resources written by team members and provides links to where you can purchase and read their published works. The page is constantly updated with the latest works by our team members, so keep an eye out for the latest updates.


Bellator Christi’s first collaborative book is now available. Why Creationism Still Matters is available on both Kindle and paperback. Go get your copy today! Part of the proceeds of the book goes to support Bellator Christi Ministries.

Brian G. Chilton, M.Div., Ph.D.


Chilton, Brian G. Layman’s Manual on Christian Apologetics: Bridging the Essentials of Apologetics from the Ivory Tower to the Everyday Christian. Eugene, OR: Resource, 2019.

Chilton, Brian G. Conversations about Heaven: Difficult Questions about Our Eternal Home. Eugene, OR: Resource, 2023.

Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: IHP Nexus, 2024.

Huff, Deanna, T. J. Gentry, eds. Stewarding AI: Faithfully Using Creation Resources. West Frankfort, IL: IHP Nexus, 2024. (Published late 2024).


Chilton, Brian Gray, “Semitic Residue: Semitic Traits that Indicate Early Source Material Behind the Gospel of Matthew” (2022). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 3874.

Academic Papers:

Chilton, Brian G.. 2021. “Divine Hiddenness and Middle Knowledge: A Molinist Answer to How an Anselmian God Can Coexist with Reasonable Nonbelief.” Eleutheria 5, (2).


Michelle Johnson, M.Div., Ph.D.


Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024. (To be published in 2024.)

Huff, Deanna, T. J. Gentry, eds. Stewarding AI: Faithfully Using Creation Resources. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024. (Published late 2024).


Johnson, Michelle Kay. “Saint Columba: Rhythm, Sacred Time, and His Mission to Northern Scotland” (2023). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 4468.

Academic Papers:

TJ Gentry, D.Min., Ph.D.


Gentry, Thomas J. Absent From the Body, Present with the Lord. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2019.

Gentry, Thomas J. Pulpit Apologist: The Vital Link Between Preaching and Apologetics. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.

Gentry, Thomas J. You Shall Be My Witnesses: Reflections on Sharing the Gospel. West Frankfort, IL: Illative, 2018.

Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.


Gentry, Thomas Jefferson II, “Whence Faith? The Nexus of Passional Reason, Christian Personalism, and Abduction in Apologetics” (2022). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 3642.

Academic Papers:

Gentry, Thomas J, II. 2021. “Rabboni: Christ’s Resurrection Through the Eyes of Mary Magdalene.” Eleutheria 5 (2): 190–201.

Gentry, Thomas J, II. 2021. “Could It Be Reasonable to Conclude That Jesus Did It and John Wrote It Down?: An Enquiry into the Veracity of John 7:53-8:11, the Pericope Adulterae.” Eleutheria 5 (1): 44–59.


Deanna Huff, M.Div. Th.M., Ph.D.


Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.

Huff, Deanna, T. J. Gentry, eds. Stewarding AI: Faithfully Using Creation Resources. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024. (Published late 2024).


Huff, Deanna L. “The Prophets’ Use of the Shepherd Motif and Its Contributions to Their Presentation of the Character of God” (2023). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 4509.

Academic Papers:


Curtis Evelo


Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.

Daniel Merritt, Ph.D.


Merritt, Daniel. There Are No Shortcuts to Success: Captivating Stories From Fifty Years of Mentoring Through Coaching. Independently published, 2023.

Tony Williams


Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.


Scott Reynolds, D.Min., Ph.D.,


Reynolds, Scott Christopher, “Apologetic Properties of Archaeology” (2022). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 3830.


Sherene Khouri, M.A., Ph.D.


Khouri, Sherene. Triune Relationality: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism. Grand Rapids, MI: IVP Academic, 2024. (To be published on November 19, 2024). Triune RelationalityXk&dib_tag=se&keywords=triune+relationality&qid=1710007789&sprefix=triune+relatio%2Caps%2C1270&sr=8-1

Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.


Khouri, Sherene Nicholas, “The Greatest Conceived Being: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Objections” (2022). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 3545.

Academic Papers:

Khouri, Sherene N. “The Concept of Miracles in Islam: A Case for the Resurrection of Jesus.” The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. Vol. 10, (2022): 37-48.

Khouri, Sherene N.. 2021. “John of Damascus’s Theological Methodology: An Effective Way to Answer Islamic Objections.” Eleutheria 5, (1).

Khouri, Sherene N.. 2022. “What Does the Euthyphro Dilemma Reveal about the Nature of Allah?.” Eleutheria 6, (1).

Khouri, Sherene N. “The Crucifixion in the Qur’an: Answering Muslim’s Claims Regarding the Death of Jesus Christ.” Transformation: Sage academic journal. Vol. 38 Issue 2. (February 2021): 158–174

Khouri, Sherene N. “The Classical Islamic Model of Revelation: A Critique.” The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. Vol. 8. (July 2020): 31-42.

Khouri, Sherene N. “Does Islamic Literature Suggest Jesus Is God?” Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies. May 2018.

Khouri, Sherene N. (Translator) استكشاف انجيل لوقا [Exploring the Gospel of Luke] by John Philips, John Philips Ministry, 2015.

Khouri, Sherene N. “Holy Wars: A historical and Theological Comparison between Joshua’s Conquests vs. Mohammad’s First Three Incursions,” Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies JSRI. Vol. 20. No. 60. (November, 2021): 78-91.


Daniel Sloan, M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D.


Hindson, Edward E., Daniel Sloan, et. al., eds. Evangelical Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2023.

Chilton, Brian G., Michelle Johnson, and Thomas J. Gentry, eds. Why Creationism Still Matters. West Frankfort, IL: Nexus, 2024.


Sloan, Daniel Robert, “The Use of Apologetics in the Book of Isaiah” (2020). Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 2451.

Academic Papers: