Satan’s Playbook: Attack God’s Word


T.J. Gentry, Ph.D., D.Min. | September 8, 2024

We Are Not Ignorant of His Schemes

Satan’s efforts to derail truth and destroy lives are certainly troubling, but they should not surprise us. Nor should they catch us off guard and leave us open to being taken advantage of by him. Though Satan’s tactics adapt with each cultural moment, his strategy is consistent and predictable. Indeed, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9 CSB), including the underlying strategies employed by Satan. Thus, Paul boldly declares that Christians “are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11b).

This may come as news to you, but it shouldn’t. If you imagine Satan as possessing an infinite capacity for new strategies to attack and beguile, I ask you to think again. I say this not to encourage false spiritual boldness or a foolhardy underestimation of the deadliness of Satan but to keep you from being “taken advantage of by” him (2 Cor. 2:11a). If you have a Bible, you have a record of Satan’s strategy, and you can piece together his fundamental playbook. That’s right; we have the basic strategy of Satan’s playbook, revealed early in Scripture, as early as the third chapter of Genesis.

Upon looking at Satan’s deceptive encounter with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the consequences of humanity’s fall, we see Satan’s four most basic strategies. Think of these as the essential contents in Satan’s playbook.

  1. Satan Attacks God’s Word
  2. Satan Attacks God’s Goodness
  3. Satan Attacks God’s Image
  4. Satan Attacks God’s Redeemer

In the remainder of this article, I will focus on Satan’s first play, attacking God’s Word. I will address the remaining strategies in Satan’s playbook in future articles.

Satan Attacks God’s Word

The first salvo in the ongoing battle over the reliability of God’s Word began with a question followed by a declaration, both from the mouth of Satan. In Genesis 3:1, he asks Eve, “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden?” Satan’s rebellion and fall from a place of unique creation in God’s spiritual family had already occurred by this point in the narrative, and now he set his sights on corrupting God’s specially created human family. As his question to Eve reveals, Satan was committed to questioning the clarity of God’s pronouncements and encouraging others to do so.

Nothing in Satan’s strategy has changed since Eden. He continues to sow doubts about the substance of God’s Word as he seeks to find and exploit weaknesses in our understanding of the clarity of divine revelation. If Eve had answered in error or unbelief, declaring that God didn’t say what He said, then Satan would have been well on the way to winning the attack. He knew that then, and he knows that now.

However, Eve responded in Genesis 3:2-3 by affirming that God did say not to eat from “the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden,” lest she and Adam die. Eve got it right, but Satan was not giving up on his wicked strategy. Thus, he moved from questioning the reliability of God’s Word to doubting its authority, as he boldly declares in Genesis 3:4, “No! You will certainly not die.” Since Eve was clear on what God said, Satan chose to challenge God’s authority to do what He said He would do. Satan wanted Eve to disregard God’s Word by accepting that God was not telling her the truth.

Satan in the 21st century is no different than he was on the day he set about deceiving our first parents. His preferred strategy is a calculated two-step attack: first, question Scripture’s clear and reliable revelation; second, question Scripture’s authoritative pronouncements. Since our first parents, no generation has failed to face this same attack sequence. Every generation must fight their battle over the reliability and authority of God’s Word. Every generation faces the same satanic strategy. Every generation must brace for and respond to Satan’s attack on Scripture.

What Would Screwtape Say?

To help us think more creatively about Satan’s strategy of attacking God’s Word, I ask you to indulge my attempt at an imagined conversation between C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape and Wormwood, the two demons in dialogue in The Screwtape Letters. For those unfamiliar with Lewis’s classic work on spiritual warfare, Screwtape is a senior demon given charge of his nephew Wormwood, a junior demon. Wormwood’s task is to corrupt a Christian, and Screwtape offers his counsel along the way. Given our discussion thus far on Satan’s strategy of attacking God’s Word, Screwtape might offer the following counsel to Wormwood.

My dear Wormwood,

Though our Father Below enjoyed great success with the first two (I shudder to say) image bearers of our Enemy, every one of those loathsome creations of His presents an urgent opportunity to further our first devilish strategy (especially those who have believed and received the benefit of that unexpectedly powerful cross and resurrection). Never stop sowing seeds of doubt about what the Enemy clearly said, and constantly challenge His right to say it. Remember, my deceptive nephew, that we cannot overcome even one of His children who believes His Word can be trusted and lives accordingly, much less entire congregations of His so-called Saints. O the agony we will endure if ever His entire Bride truly believes what we already know (and lament), that our Enemy’s Word is clear, reliable, and authoritative. Never stop attacking the Enemy’s Word; this is our first and most beneficial strategy. Be a good minion of our Father Below and never rest in this regard.

Your affectionate uncle,


About the Author

Dr. Thomas J. Gentry (aka., TJ Gentry) serves as the pastor of First Christian Church of West Frankfort, Illinois, the Assistant Vice President of Publishing and Communications, and the Assistant Editor of Bellator Christi Ministries. He formerly served as the Executive Editor of Dr. Gentry is a world-class scholar holding 5 doctorate degrees and 6 masters degrees. Additionally, he is a prolific writer as he has published 7 books including Pulpit ApologistAbsent from the Body, Present with the Lord, and You Shall Be My Witnesses: Reflections on Sharing the Gospel. Be on the lookout for two additional books that he will soon publish. In addition to his impressive resume, Dr. Gentry proudly served his country as an officer in the United States Army and serves as a martial arts instructor.

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Michelle earned her M.A. in Theological Studies and her M.Div. in Professional Ministries at Liberty University, where she is also working on her Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics. Michelle is also a graduate of the University of Minnesota. She and her husband Steve live in Mankato, Minnesota, where she also serves in women's ministry. In addition to a love of theology, apologetics and church history, Michelle also has a passion for creationism studies. When she is not spending time reading or writing, Michelle can often be found dreaming of her next travel adventure or enjoying a great cup of coffee.

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