
By Curtis Evelo | May 17, 2024

Being a person of prayer can be a task that is exhausting and difficult. Many prayer concerns can include loved ones, communities needing healing, the reality of lost souls, and worldwide tragedies. My list could go on. Although it can be difficult, prayer covers such a wonderful opportunity for a wide variety of ranges. As I think about some of the historical stories known as the “Greats” of the faith and recall their documented prayer life, I wonder, who is praying in that manner today? What kind of stories are being written about endless prayer and God’s miraculous interventions that build faith for all involved? Have we lost the art of journaling prayers, or does it look different today? Are there people with such a burden for prayer it just oozes from their pores? Have you met someone who, when you shake their hand, you are taken back because the sense that they have been in the presence of God is so heavy you feel it as well? It’s time we get back to being people of prayer and doing what Christ called us to do and be.

Jesus Exemplifies A Prayer Life

In the ESV, “pray” is stated 26 times! Those are either direct statements from Jesus or examples he showed by living a life connected with the Father. In the sermon on the Mount, Matthew records in  5:44 that Jesus says to “pray for our enemies.” Matthew also records Jesus in chapters 6:5-7 giving direct examples of what righteous prayer looks like. Then, in verses 9-13, is what is known as “the Lord’s prayer.” Jesus left believers examples of a godly prayer life.

Great Names of An Inspiring Prayer Life

If you ever get to read about guys like John Wesley or George Muller, do so! John Wesley is known for hours of prayer with his Bible open before him as he prayed. George Muller had over 5000 prayer requests answered and was led to start orphanages and schools. Prayer was an integral part of these men; it became the air they breathed. Even Jesus’s brother James was known as “old camel knees” because of the calluses on his knees from his prayer. James’ nickname is evidence of documenting his life of praying for those around him. In James 5:16b, the NKJV perfectly captures what I’ve been saying in this section: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

A Modern-Day Prayer Life

What does prayer look like for us? We had a very sweet elderly lady who attended our church and was known as “The Prayer Warrior”! When someone new walked into the sanctuary, she would keep track of them by name. If they attended the church services a second time, you could guarantee they were on her prayer list. She would often approach specific people with a handwritten note containing encouraging words that she had received during her prayer time. Time after time, these encouraging words would come to pass. Let’s draw inspiration from this Christian woman, the historical “greats,” and Jesus to encourage our prayer life. Let’s get back to being a people of prayer.

About the Author

Curtis Evelo is a cattle rancher at the E6 Hereford Ranch in St. Ignatius, Montana. He is the Co-Host and Producer of the Bellator Christi Podcast. He often teaches and speaks at his church Cornerstone Faith Center in St. Ignatius. Curtis provides a common-sense approach to Christianity as he contemplates the wonders of God’s creation in Big Sky Country. Curtis serves as the co-host of the Question Zone and is a regular contributor. His research interests include Jewish studies in the New Testament, Old Testament typologies, and studies on free will.



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Brian Chilton
10 months ago

Excellent article, Curtis! Nothing of great worth can be accomplished without prayer. May we all accept your challenge and become prayer warriors.

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