It’s What Jesus Would Do

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By: T.J. Gentry, Ph.D., D.Min. | June 18, 2023

Among the Greatest Blessings

Serving others is among the greatest blessings of being a Christian. Some are easy to love and work alongside, and some aren’t. Sometimes I’m easy to love and serve alongside, and sometimes I’m not. However, all of us are created in the image of God. All of us have infinite dignity and worth. All of us are among the countless billions of people for whom Christ died.

We Are Most Like Jesus When We Serve

No matter the difficulty of serving others, we are most like Jesus when we serve. He told us that He did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. He meant those words. He really did come to serve and give His life for others. Following His example of service and giving is our privilege, our honor, and our sacred duty.

Where the Power of God Shows Strongest

Admittedly, there are days when service and giving come with pain and misunderstanding. However, those days are still the days God calls us to honor Him. To walk by the Spirit of Grace and bear with one another. Choosing to let love cover a multitude of sins is where the power God shows strongest and His light shines brightest. Whether those sins are ours or others’ or things done by us or to us, we are still called to love.

He Is Pleading Through Us

I am reminded that only in serving and giving will we ever demonstrate to the world that we are ambassadors of Christ. He is pleading through us to every person to receive the offer of mercy and reconciliation. We are called to be warriors of grace, to fight with the weapons of unconditional love and longsuffering forgiveness. We do not fight by our strength, and we do not fight against flesh and blood. Our enemy is Satan, and our victory is sure – just as sure as the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.

Grace Triumphs Through Gentleness

Our loving Savior is at the Father’s right hand, and He is praying for us. He is also praying for those believers who hurt us and have been hurt by us. Here’s the unshakable truth, the foundation upon which we stand: grace triumphs through gentleness. Truth must be spoken in love, and love conquers all. Serve them and love them, friends. It’s what Jesus would do. It’s what He is doing.

About the Author 

Dr. Thomas J. Gentry (aka., TJ Gentry) serves as the pastor of First Christian Church of West Frankfort, Illinois, the Assistant Vice President of Publishing and Communications, and the Assistant Editor of Bellator Christi Ministries. He formerly served as the Executive Editor of Dr. Gentry is a world-class scholar holding 5 doctorate degrees and 6 masters degrees. Additionally, he is a prolific writer as he has published 7 books including Pulpit Apologist, Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord, and You Shall Be My Witnesses: Reflections on Sharing the Gospel. Be on the lookout for two additional books that he will soon publish. In addition to his impressive resume, Dr. Gentry proudly served his country as an officer in the United States Army and serves as a martial arts instructor.




© 2023. Bellator Christi.

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