S6E12 Predestination & Election: A Non-Calvinist Interpretation


By: Dr. Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo | December 15, 2022

Dr. Brian Chilton and Curtis Evelo dig deep into soteriology as they discuss predestination and election from a non-Calvinist perspective. As such, they oppose the notion that God elects some to save and others to condemn without giving them an opportunity to respond to his grace. Additionally, they argue that God’s complete knowledge–including foreknowledge, middle knowledge, and efficient causality–were involved with God’s decision to save. This episode deals with some DEEP issues, so grab a notebook and pen, sit back, and enjoy our conversation.

  1. What is meant by predestination and election?
  2. What is the difference between the Calvinist and non-Calvinist interpretations of predestination and election?
  3. What evidence do we have for corporate election?
  4. Even if corporate election is true, there seems to still be an indication that individual election is at least implied. How do the non-Calvinists interpret individual election?
  5. Some Calvinists, even as soft-Calvinist Millard Erickson, claim that foreknowledge cannot answer the problem of predestination. Why do non-Calvinists deny such accusations and accept foreknowledge as the key for understanding predestination and election?
  6. How does Thomas Aquinas understand predestination and election?
  7. How can the doctrine of divine middle knowledge help one understand predestination and election from a non-Calvinist conception?
  8. What can we take from the non-Calvinist view of predestination and election?

About our Hosts

Brian G. Chilton earned his Doctor of Philosophy in the Theology and Apologetics program at Liberty University. He is the host of The Bellator Christi Podcast and the founder of Bellator Christi. Brian received his Master of Divinity in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and plans to purse philosophical studies in the near future. He is also enrolled in Clinical Pastoral Education to better learn how to empower those around him. Brian is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Brian has served in pastoral ministry for nearly 20 years and currently serves as a clinical hospice chaplain and serves as an interim pastor in northwestern North Carolina. Additionally, he serves as an editor for the Eleutheria Journal. At the prompting of the Lord, Brian established Bellator Christi Ministries in 2012. The ministry is aimed to provide readily available resources in theology, apologetics, biblical studies, and philosophy to those who want to know what Christianity teaches and why it should be believed. In 2019, Brian published his first book entitled the Layman’s Manual on Christian Apologetics. After finishing his Ph.D., Brian intends to publish more books. His areas of expertise include early Christology, early NT creeds, near-death experiences, biblical reliability, the blend of divine sovereignty and human freedom, and the need for empathy.



Curtis Evelo is a cattle rancher at the E6 Hereford Ranch in St. Ignatius, Montana. Curtis is the Co-Host and Producer of the Bellator Christi Podcast. He often teaches and speaks at his church Cornerstone Faith Center in St. Ignatius. Curtis provides a common-sense approach to Christianity as he contemplates the wonders of God’s creation in Big Sky Country. Curtis serves as the Vice-President of Bellator Christi Ministries, a contributor, and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. His research interests include Jewish studies in the New Testament, Old Testament typologies, and studies on free will.


Copyright, 2022. BellatorChristi.com.


Brian G. Chilton is the founder of Bellator Christi Ministries and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. Dr. Chilton earned a Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction), a M.Div. in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his B.S. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed Unit 1 of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Forest University's School of Medicine. Dr. Chilton is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, working out in his home gym, and watching football. He has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years and serves as a clinical chaplain.

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5 months ago

Is there any way I can get a transcript of this teaching? S6E12 Predestination & Election: A Non-Calvinist Interpretation

2 years ago

Let us assume the Calvinists are misinterpreting the bible on the subjects of predestination and election: Could a Calvinist possibly be reasonable, even if also wrong, to continue believing that the Calvinist view of predestination and election is biblically justified? Or do you rather prefer to insist that unreasonableness always necessarily attaches itself to anybody anywhere who deny a truth?


[…] Source: S6E12 Predestination & Election: A Non-Calvinist Interpretation […]

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