The Biblical Layers of Passover


By: Curtis Evelo | April 18, 2022

So, in my previous article, we discussed layers of the biblical text. (See the previous article for a reference). We see by using the Augustinian view we can recognize how things are true on the surface reading along with being able to discover a truth that is and or maybe hidden in another layer as a type or shadow. This article is going to be much shorter than others I’ve written because I want to create a desire and help develop your spiritual eyes to look for these truths. So, I’ve decided to put some scriptures together for you to review and use as a “thought map”.

The Lamb of God

First, let’s consider the something we’ve heard pastors or songs or just common vernacular in a church setting and that is the words “the Lamb of God” or “Spotless Lamb” or” Gods Sacrifice “…. These are phrases that kind of get thrown around without much pause or impact, but that’s what I am trying to establish now with these articles.

The Culture

Second, let’s think about how would the culture of the time period have viewed those phrases?

The Communication of God

The third thing to consider is what would God be communicating in having these words in scripture?

Culturally that time period during the time of Passover, families are preparing their homes and some are journeying to the temple with the sacrifice (think of Old Testament requirements for the remainder of the Exodus). And what are we to remember what the Israelites are doing with the sacrifice they are to be preparing? They are to be inspecting it for any blemishes, defects, etc. Remember it’s to be spotless.

Now consider what was going on with the final days of the Passion week we read in John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

The Lamb for Passover

Finally think about God preparing His “Lamb” for the Passover (the Great Sacrifice) there had to be inspection and testing there even needed to be some declarations of the verification of the purity of that Sacrifice. Now I’m going to leave you with these thoughts and some scripture to take in and let your mind build this picture.

Genesis 3:14-15

Genesis 22:7-8

Isaiah 53:6-7

John 1:24-29

1 Peter 1:18-19

Acts 8:32

Luke 22:7

John 18,19,20,21 (full chapters)

Revelation 5:6

So, with all these scriptures review them in the order I have listed and that will help you see the picture God is developing that Jesus is the “Lamb of God “and God had this planned from the very beginning that He Himself would become our Sacrifice. Remember as Christ was breathing His last those around the base of the cross were looking into the very eyes of God …!

About the Author

Curtis Evelo is a cattle rancher at the E6 Hereford Ranch in St. Ignatius, Montana. Curtis is the Co-Host and Producer of the Bellator Christi Podcast. He often teaches and speaks at his church Cornerstone Faith Center in St. Ignatius. Curtis provides a common-sense approach to Christianity as he contemplates the wonders of God’s creation in Big Sky Country. Curtis serves as the Vice-President of Bellator Christi Ministries, a contributor, and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. His research interests include Jewish studies in the New Testament, Old Testament typologies, and studies on free will.


Brian G. Chilton is the founder of Bellator Christi Ministries and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. Dr. Chilton earned a Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction), a M.Div. in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his B.S. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed Unit 1 of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Forest University's School of Medicine. Dr. Chilton is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, working out in his home gym, and watching football. He has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years and serves as a clinical chaplain.

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