Book Review: Another Gospel?

Another gospel

By: Michelle Johnson | October 18, 2021

Childers, Alisa. Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, 2020.

The questions were unanticipated, and the source was even more surprising. As Christians, we expect questions about whether God exists and what happens when you die from non-believers around us. But when the very foundations of our faith (things like the virgin birth, the reliability of Scripture, the deity of Jesus) are disregarded, deemed unimportant, or relegated as old-fashioned beliefs of fundamentalists, we can be caught off guard. When it is those who are inside the church or leading our church that make these assertions, we can be left completely uncertain of what we really believe and what are the non-essentials of the Christian faith. This is the situation caused by the rise of progressive Christianity.

This was the experience of Alisa Childers. According to her website ( Alisa was raised in a Christian home and was a member of the popular Christian group – ZOEgirl. It was as an adult, she found herself confronting this very situation. Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity is Childer’s book written to document this very experience. The true story that serves as the impetus for the book and weaves its way throughout, is that of a pastor who invited her to a class which resulted in a journey to discover what historical Christianity really meant. She finds herself in a place that most likely resonates with many believers – the claims made by progressive Christians just don’t seem right but we’re not exactly sure how to explain why nor are we equipped to articulate the truth in response. Session after session, Childers was confronted by the progressive Christian attacks upon the core foundations of her faith. She set about to learn the ‘whys’ behind the basics of, what she calls, historical Christianity.

Early in her book (chapter two) she confidently tells her readers “biblical faith is trust – and that trust is based on good evidence.” (p 50) “Trust based on evidence” becomes the basis for all Childers shares with her reader. Over the course of 12 chapters, the reader is offered a solid introduction to some of the major rejections offered by progressive Christianity. The wise reader will take note and won’t be caught off guard when confronted, in their own experience, by these claims. Childers doesn’t shy away from naming names and offering clear examples of the attacks they level against historical Christianity. The reader is equipped to recognize some of those who have led this movement and have been responsible for leading others down the path of progressive Christianity. All of this backed up by quotes and references to their writings and teachings. It is evident Childers has devoted a significant amount of time and effort to do the research and learning necessary to articulate the truth about Christianity’s foundational beliefs that are at the center of progressive Christianity’s attack. In sharing her experience, she provides her reader not only with the findings of her study but also how and where to study for themselves. Childers audited classes, listened to podcasts, read books and more. Each reader is left with an arsenal of resources to begin their own journey of learning. In addition to documenting her experience from faith crisis to faith based on good evidence, Childers provides her readers with both a discussion guide and a list of resources (organized by general topic) such as books and podcasts.

Who would benefit from Childers’s book?

  1. Any believer who desires to understand the evidence behind what they believe.

  2. Any believer who desires to be equipped to recognize false claims that are made against the foundations of Christianity by progressive Christianity.

  3. Any believer who has ever found themself knowing something just doesn’t sound right but they can’t exactly articulate why.

These are the readers who will benefit greatly from Childer’s book. It would be my suggestion to not let this book be the end of your research, let it be a starting point for honing your skills to know what you believe and why, then be willing to stand for the truth in the face of the growing threat posed by progressive Christianity.

About the Author

Michelle Johnson is a Ph.D. student in the Theology and Apologetics program at Liberty University. She also earned her M.A. in Theological Studies and her M.Div. in Professional Ministries at Liberty University. Michelle graduated from the University of Minnesota with her undergraduate degrees. She and her husband Steve live in Mankato, Minnesota, where she also serves in women’s ministries. In addition to her love of theology and apologetics, Michelle also has a passion for historical studies, particularly the theology of the Patristics. When she is not spending time reading or writing, Michelle can often be found dreaming of her next travel adventure or enjoying a great cup of coffee.


Dive Deeper

(Article) J. D. Kline, “Book Review: The Essence of the New Testament–A Survey,” (March 26, 2018),

(Article) Brian G. Chilton, “Review of ‘Contours of Pauline Theology’ by Tom Holland,” (May 22, 2018),


Brian G. Chilton is the founder of Bellator Christi Ministries and the co-host of the Bellator Christi Podcast. Dr. Chilton earned a Ph.D. in the Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University (with high distinction), a M.Div. in Theology from Liberty University (with high distinction); his B.S. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University (with honors); earned a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed Unit 1 of Clinical Pastoral Education at Wake Forest University's School of Medicine. Dr. Chilton is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, working out in his home gym, and watching football. He has served in pastoral ministry for over 20 years and serves as a clinical chaplain.

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